What is the Law Admission Test?
LAT Past Paper March 17, 2019 (Morning)
The following questions were asked in the test.
Select Similar Words.
1. Contempt
a) Confined b) Disregard c) Regard d) Praise
2. Proclaimed
a) Announced b) Hide c) Obscure d) Unclear
3. Elaborate
a) Detailed b) Plain c) Unrefined d) Facile
4. Illustration
a) Explanation b) Reason c) Cause d) Goal
5. Curious
a) Snoopy b) Dim c) Bemuse d) Decreased
6. Absolute
a) Division b) Small c) Complete d) Half
Select Opposite Words.
7. Repulsive
a) Alluring b) Refulgent c) Effulgent d) Annoying
8. Ambiguous
a) Auxiliary b) Responsible c) Salvageable d) Clear
9. Blunt
a) Sharp b) Frank c) Friendly d) Dull
10. Exclude
a) Reject b) Ignore c) Include d) Overlook
11. Exposure
a) Publicity b) Experience c) Secret d) Contact
12. Forbid
a) Allow b) Prevent c) Stop d) Avoid
13. Relinquish
a) Abdicate b) Renounce c) Possess d) Demy
Fill in the Blanks.
14. He prohibited entering.
a) In b) From c) To d) At
15. He died _______ cholera.
a) On b) For c) At d) With
16. She was accompanied _____ her mother.
a) By b) With c) To d) Beside
17. The police probe ________ the case.
a) In b) Into c) Over d) With
18. Start now and go on ______ you reach the river.
a) Until b) Unless c) Up to d) to
19. _______ his children, his nephews, and nieces were also present.
a) Beside b) Besides c) Outside d) Before
20. We have been waiting _______ morning.
a) Since b) From c) For d) To
21. NASA is a space agency of?
a) Russia b) America c) China d) UK
22. Kangaroo is the national animal of?
a) New Zealand b) Australia c) Norway d) Spain
23. Which country has the highest oil reserves?
a) Qatar b) Russia c) Saudi Arab d) UAE
24. Who won the football World Cup in 2018?
a) Germany b) Brazil c) France d) England
25. American President’s term is for
a) Five years b) Four years c) three years d) six years
26. Capital punishment means
a) Life in prison b) 10 years imprisonment c) Death Penalty d) None of these
27. Where is the Headquarters of the European Union
a) Brussels b) Geneva c) London d) Paris
28. The 1st Gulf War started in
a) 1989 b) 1988 c) 1990 d) 1991
29. Largest producer of Tea in the world?
a) Kenya b) Sri Lanka c) Indonesia d) China
30. The Eiffel Tower was built in which city of France?
a) Paris b) Nice c) Lyon d) Toulouse
31. Who suggested Pakistan standard time?
a) Prof Muhammad Anwar b) Liaqat Ali Khan c) Dr Abdus Salam d) Dr Samar Mubarak
32. Where is the biggest salt mine?
a) Mangora b) Jhelum c) Swat d) None of these
33. Longest River in Pakistan?
a) Ravi b) Sindh c) Cheenab d) Jhelum
34. Singapore was separated from which country?
a) China b) Malaysia c) Japan d) Thailand
35. The world’s oldest PM at the age of 92 is?
a) Queen Elizabeth b) Mahatir Muhammad C) Mahatma Gandhi d) Quaid e Azam
36. The International Court of Justice is located in?
a) Paris b) New York c) Hague d) London
37. Which country is not a member of SAARC?
a) Afghanistan b) Bangladesh c) Pakistan d) Tajikistan
38. The Khyber Pass link which two countries?
a) Afghanistan & Pakistan b) Iran & Pakistan C) India & Pakistan d) China & Pakistan
39. Baghdad is the capital of which Middle Eastern country?
a) Iraq b) Syria c) Egypt d) Yemen
40. Which country has no ocean
a) Afghanistan b) China c) Iran d) Yemen
41. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) belongs to ______ family.
a) Hashmi b) Quraysh c) Banu Umayyad d) Madni
42. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had _______ daughters.
a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 5
43. Zabur was revealed on
a) Hazrat Mosa (AS) b) Hazrat Issa (AS) c) Hazrat Dawood (AS) d) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
44. Who was awarded the title of “the sword of Allah”
a) Abu Al Murtaza b) Hazrat Ali (RA) c) Hazrat Umar (RA) d) Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA)
45. The first Mosque on the surface of the earth is
a) Masjid e Aqsa b) Masjid e Quba c) Masjid ul Haram d) Masjid e Nabvi
46. In Hajj, stoning the devil is called?
a) Ramee b) Tawaf c) Istilam d) Sayee
47. The first time Azan was proposed by?
a) Hazrat Umar b) Hazrat Bilal c) Hazrat Usman d) Hazrat Abu Bakkar
48. Which mosque was demolished by the orders of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)?
a) Masjid e Quba b) Masjid al-Qiblatayn c) Masjid e Zarrar d)
49. Social boycott of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) continued for
a) 3 years b) 2 years c) 5 years d) 7 years
50. How many Muslims fought in Ghazwa e Baddar?
a) 303 b) 313 c) 319 d) 413
51. The name “Islamic Republic of Pakistan” was adopted in which constitution for the first time?
a) 1962 b) 1956 c) 1973 d) None of these
52. Which government system was adopted in the 1962 constitution?
a) Parliamentary b) Presidential c) Bicameral d) None of these
53. Who elects the President by the 1973 constitution?
a) Direct vote b) Only Senators c) Indirectly by Parliament
54. Article 58 (2b) of the 1973 constitution says?
a) The president can dissolve the national assembly b) Qualifications of President c) The Prime Minister can dissolve the National Assembly d) None of these
55. National flower of Pakistan?
a) Gulab b) Lily c) Sunflower d) Jasmine
56. Supreme Commander of Armed forces of Pakistan?
a) Army Chief b) President c) Prime Minister d) Naval Chief
57. Largest desert of Pakistan?
a) Thal b) Cholistan c) Thar d) Kharan
58. Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar was governor of?
a) Sindh b) N.W.F.P c) Punjab d) Bengal
59. First woman Governor of State Bank of Pakistan?
a) Farzana Raja b) Dr Ashraf Abbasi c) Shamshad Akhtar
60. Defense Day observed on?
a) 6 September b) 17 September c) 14 August d) 5 May
درست معنی کا انتخاب کرے
۔61 گراں – کم قیمت
۔62 چکاچوند – روشنیاں
۔63 باران – بارش
۔64 فرسودہ – پرانا
۔65 معطل – معزول
۔66 پسماندہ – پیچھے رہا ہوا
۔67 وسائل – ذرائع
۔68 جدت – تجدید
۔69 افسردگی – اداسی
۔70 قدر – مرتبہ
71. 40×0.75 =
a) 2.25 b) 25 c) 30 d) 18.75
72. 40 × 30 × 1/20 = ?
a) 75 b) 70 c) 60 d) 55
73. 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 =
a) 800 b) 1000 c) 1200 d) 1400
74. 15% of 400? =
a) 60 b) 70 c) 75 d) 80
75. A car travels 80 km per hour and travels for one hour and 30 minutes and then stops for one hour, again travels for 2 hours to complete the journey, how many kilometers car travel?
a) 240 km b) 280 km c) 260 km d) 300 km
Essay Writing
Write an Essay on any one of the following topics. The word limit is 200 words either in Urdu or English.
Note: You have to write both the answers in one format. If you want to write the Essay part in English, you must write the Personal Statement part in English as well.
76. Essay topics (15 marks)
- Role of Teachers to make students responsible
- Media Education
- Women Rights
Personal Statement
77. Write a Personal Statement on the following topic. The word limit is 200 words either in Urdu or English.
- Describe why you have chosen this (Law) Profession/ Career.
Note: The questions have been collected from different sources. So, in case of any error, we are not responsible for any inconvenience.